Loyalty Learnings #3: Consistency is Key in the Chapter Experience

What challenges are your association facing?  One of those challenges might be managing your chapter experience, whether it’s at the local or regional level.

When managing your chapters, it’s a struggle to provide the structure chapters need while also allowing the autonomy they want.  We find that this is common, but unfortunately, this struggle often creates inconsistencies in the chapter experience.  Inconsistency is an area that we find can significantly hurt your member engagement.

In the video below, we detail the 3 areas that can make or break your chapter experience:

  1. High quality leaders;
  2. Meeting days, times, and locations;
  3. Meeting agendas.

(Or click here to view on our YouTube channel!)

We offer a variety of solutions addressing the specific needs of associations.  If you need to determine the inconsistencies affecting your chapters, please contact us at info@loyaltyresearch.com.