Professional Services

As more and more organizations choose to outsource non-core activities, professional services offered by specialist companies are in high demand. Services offered cover a wide range – from legal advice and human resources to property management, engineering design and accounting.

For a service provider, stakeholder relationships are even more critical to success than a supplier of tangible products. A demanding client base & intense competition requires them to stay intimately familiar with customers.

At Loyalty Research Center, we help professional service providers measure & manage key stakeholder relationships. Identifying what drives the customer relationship and relating it to behaviors, uncovers key areas for improvements towards growth in revenue & profitability.

Relationships on both sides of the equation – resource provider and user – are equally important. Their interdependence often a business imperative. e.g. for a human resource provider, sourcing quality candidates is crucial to acquiring customers – and vice versa. Tracking studies provide continuous feedback and help fine tune the product or service offering.

Our clients stay synchronized with customers in a way that gives them a distinct competitive edge. What is the most important feature of my offering to my customer? What is it that he or she is looking for that I am not currently providing? How significant is frequency of contact in my marketing mix? Perhaps availability and speed is more critical. These are the kind of questions we provide answers to. In turn they drive strategy and tactics resulting in a win-win for the client and their customer.