LRC Blog

Brand Positioning Series: Positioning Map

In our last video, we talked about buying criteria.  What are the buying criteria used in a particular decision or market?  How do the buying criteria differ across customers – are they weighted differently? Answering these questions gives rise to segments.  Segments are a critical part of positioning.  We’ve shown how they can be profiled …

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Loyalty Learnings #3: Consistency is Key in the Chapter Experience

What challenges are your association facing?  One of those challenges might be managing your chapter experience, whether it’s at the local or regional level. When managing your chapters, it’s a struggle to provide the structure chapters need while also allowing the autonomy they want.  We find that this is common, but unfortunately, this struggle often creates …

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what is brand positioning

Brand Positioning Series: What is it? Why is it important?

Brand positioning is absolutely vital to the success of your organization.  This video series is designed to show how you can determine your position in the marketplace.  What are implications of that position, what decisions can you make? We’ve seen cases where companies have made the decision to sell to the wrong customer, to change the wrong …

Brand Positioning Series: What is it? Why is it important? Read More »