Loyalty Learnings #17: How to Engage Your Retiring Members


We’re occasionally asked in Loyalty Research’s Associations Practice, why are you so anti-retired professionals?  Why are you so against investing in our more tenured members?  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  Instead, it’s thinking about it in a different way.

Don’t be creating new campaigns, new products, new resources for that particular group who is less interested in what they get from you at this stage and more about how they can give back to the profession and to the association that has been their home for so many years. 

Instead of thinking about new products or resources, think about them as your subject matter experts and the extent to which they could be speakers or presenters at your conferences, meetings, or events…maybe even at the chapter level. 

They could create content for you.  They could be coaches or mentors to the newer and younger professionals joining your organization that are learning the ropes of the profession and of the association. 

And lastly, could they organize grassroots efforts for your advocacy at the local level? 

These are individuals that want to give back to your organization, and with a minimal amount of time and resource investment, you can keep them engaged for the years to come. 

You should also be thinking about those individuals that will be retiring or nearing the retirement age in the next 5-10 years.  What can you be doing today to facilitate that giving back over the years to come?